Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Couple Weeks of Normalcy

Hey Everyone! I haven´t gone anywhere crazy or exciting in the last couple weeks so I thought I´d give you a little update on the normal stuff.  I´ve been focusing a lot on motivating myself for my Spanish conversation classes because, in the last month, I´ve noticed the increasing gap between my level of speaking and my level of understanding. It´s really good to see my understanding increase so much, but I would also like to get my speaking up to the same level.  This means I need to get myself out of bed on my day off and get to classes with the Spaniards.

This weekend I took a class in a nearby town for Primeros Auxilios Básicos (a.k.a. First Aid). I was a little nervous because how embarrassing would it be if I couldn´t understand enough of the Spanish to pass the class, but I understood no problem. Most medical terms are really similar to where even if you haven´t heard the word in Spanish before you can figure out what it is if you´ve heard the word in English.  It was a lot of fun to be in an environment where only Spanish was spoken. I did have a major headache after each day of listening to five hours of Spanish straight. 

Things are going great at the school. I really enjoy my coworkers and hanging out with the kids. I find I appreciate kids the more time I spend at the school. Today, I went with the 3rd graders to be the female chaperone at the pool.  It was fun to get a change of pace.  Sally is still rocking and giving me different reasons to laugh. Today, there was a bit of drama because she was telling me a story and suddenly saw a bunch of bird poop on a car and she said, ¨Hey look! How gross!¨ But, before I could even think of what I was about to say, I said, ¨Like your face!¨ Well, Sally is a very sensitive soul, and this statement was taken quite literally. Even after my apologies and great attempt at convincing her it was a joke, she ran to her mom and told her I said that her face looked like bird poop.  This was a sloppy mistake on my part.  Anyways, we made peace, and I braided her hair as seen above.  She loves to get it braided and wear it to school like that one day then let it out the next morning so her hair is big and crimpy. What can I say? It´s the dream of every little girl with straight hair.

Weeks are pretty draining because I teach all day, then I´m with Sally until after 9. The weekends have been spent hanging out with friends and practicing my Spanish.  This weekend I´m going to London so I´m sure I´ll write a new update with pictures sometime next week. Miss you all, and God bless!

1 comment:

  1. Ok I was laughing pretty hard at your comment to her about the bird poop on the car LOL. Do you have any pictures of her with her braids out?
