Friday, September 16, 2011

First Day of Teaching :)

These kids are so cute! They're so much more respectful than American kids. It's nice to be in a house where the parents still teach the kids how to behave properly and without negotiating.  In the classroom, I work with another American girl and we teach the kids common phrases to say and explain them in English so we just give them a chance to really use their language skills. It was really exhausting today because the kids are a handful and have so much energy and it still feels like I'm waking up for the day in the middle of the night. I really love the people here though, and one of my favorite things is that we have coffee break every morning and go across the street from the school to socialize. I'm really trying to understand the language, and so far, I really only speak in Spanish to the little kids because I'm not embarrassed with them, but a lady I met this evening sounded really interested in teaching me Spanish and having me teach her English.  I really want to learn more so I'm listening a lot and looking for more ways to interact with Spanish-only speakers.

Tonight, after dinner, which we ate at 9 o'clock by the way, the kids had Friday night dance party! It was adorable. They're just so open and don't care about being embarrassed. I laughed the whole time, and most of their moves are really good for their ages.  Tomorrow, I was invited to a BBQ at someone's house. I don't actually know this someone yet, but he always invites over the Au Pairs I guess. My new friends who are other Au Pairs will be joining me.  It's a blast to be meeting new people and doing new things. Almost everything has something about it I've never experienced before so it's overwhelming at times, but I try to welcome it because it's something more to know.

The pictures are mostly of the monastery. That's where the school is so it's really awesome to work in a 16th century palace/monastery.  Also, this is my little buddy, Sally.

1 comment:

  1. She's precious, Indi! :) Glad to hear you are liking it!!
